Statistical Review of Date Production Around The World 2019

Statistical Review of Date Production Around The World 2019

Statistical Review of Date Production Around The World 2019

  • # 10 February
  • # 1464

World date production continues to increase year on year despite the water deficit in the production areas in the Middle East and Africa. Besides, quality is continuously being improved in order to better meet customer needs. This effort concerns both producers and manufacturers. A positive aspect to highlight is the awareness of stakeholders on food security, respect for the environment in oases and the implementation of organic farming systems.The date retains its historic religious label and is especially consumed during the festivities of Christmas and Ramadan.The market on these occasions is very active and the operators plan their activity to adapt to the strong demand during these periods. It is estimated that this market absorbs more than 50% of marketed table dates. Since the harvesting period is limited in time, the date packaging factories are equipped with storage facilities so that they can provide the product timely.

Estimated World Table Date Production. Metric Tons

These data concern only dates that have been packaged and presented for sale as such. They account for about 15% of global production of raw dates.
Dates consumed in bulk and those destined for processing are not included.

Source :INC

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